Community North Opportunities!

I am sure you all know about our awesome Community North Charity Committee and all the great things that they do. You don’t? Well let me tell you girl! You’ve heard about the storeroom that Community Health provides for our stash at 146th and Cumberland, remember I introduced you to them here.

The reason for the storeroom is the Charity we run through affiliation with Community North Hospital and The Heart and Vascular Hospital, a partnership that has been going on for a very long time. Throughout the year our guild members make quilts for the Hospitals that will be distributed to all patients spending Christmas Day away from their loved ones. The storeroom holds all the items we need to use in order to create these beautiful quilts. You can “shop” the storeroom for fabric and batting to use for making quilts for Community North Charity. All supplies taken from the storeroom must be used in the production of charity quilts for Community North, any unused supplies should be returned to the storeroom. 

The Committee has a budget that provides them the means to purchase batting and backing fabrics to fill in areas of need in the storeroom’s stock. In order to make the most of our budget, we ask that you please pick up these items from the storeroom in place of the past practice of buying these supplies and submitting a receipt for reimbursement.* We are able to purchase the batting from Accomplish Quilting in Indianapolis at a great price, so to ensure we use our dollars wisely, please visit the storeroom for your charity batting needs.

But you are also welcome to use your stash and donate quilts as your way of giving back to the community. Anyway that guild members are able to make quilts for this worthy endeavor is greatly appreciated. 

If you are new to the guild and the way things work, check out our Charity Guidelines found under the Menu:Charity up at the top. And be sure to visit the storeroom for fabrics on the 2nd Tuesday of the month for Storeroom Shopping and the 3rd Monday of the month for Community Sew Bee. All dates and time are listed under the Calendar tab. 

*We understand that the long-arm quilters often have their own rolls of batting, this is more for those who are making quilts here and there.