August President’s Letter

Dear Friends,

I hope you all had as much fun quilting as I did in July!  The week ended with “Mary Camp,” where a young cousin comes and stays with us for a week.  We focus on new experiences and learning new skills.  This year, she learned to make Mudslides and Rose Sangria – no alcohol for her, of course – but yummy for me!  She also wanted to make a quilt, and we used a 3-yard pattern that was perfect for a beginner.  She sewed every stitch, and the binding went together on the first try, so she had no anxiety about any step of the process.

There is still time to nominate someone (you?) for an officer position in 2025.  We will vote in September.  Contact me directly if you are interested or know someone who might be!

I’m really looking forward to our August meeting.  I signed up for the workshop and plan to make a baby quilt from that cute pattern.  I’m also going to the Open House at the Community Sew Day on August 19th.  Please come and learn more about the charity sewing and get a tour of the store room!

I had some sad news from Cornerstone Lutheran – the very first Lutheran Comfort Dog in Indiana, Naomi, had to be put down unexpectedly due to cancer.  Naomi was at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Indianapolis.  Naomi was a mentor to Magdalene, the comfort dog we support.  They have asked us to make a quilt from Naomi’s scarves (bandanas).  I will bring kits to our meeting and ask that if you can make a block, please return it to me at the September meeting.  Carlene Clark has offered to quilt it.


  • Please come a few minutes early so that you can be in your seat right at 9:30 when the fun begins.
  • If you are able, please park in the side parking lot at the church
  • Wear your name tag and bring a $1 donation and/or donation item for Cornerstone Lutheran

Stay cool!
