April President’s Letter

In case you missed the news (ha!) – there will be a total eclipse of the sun on April 8th. As a result of the anticipated crush of traffic headed to our area and lots of planned events regarding the eclipse, we have moved our general meeting to April 15th – same time, same place, just a week later. Do you have your special glasses? I do, and I’m planning to watch from the comfort of my driveway. Maybe with a celebratory cocktail – it will be 5:00 somewhere!

My husband thinks I need to take a month off of quilting because I’ve been so busy in my sewing room lately – I made a quilt for a neighbor going through chemo (doing well!) and quilted a gift for a graduate, which I’ll bring for show ‘n tell on the 15th. Also, 2 Call Me Name badges for former co-workers – and 5 more on my sewing table. I still need to quilt a baby quilt to meet my goal for March. (I’m ignoring my husband’s advice.) I did have so much fun making the block of the month, and I’ve got a couple of heart pillows cut out…

 While I’m sewing, I’ve been listening to “Inappropriate Quilters” podcast. It’s like having two friends with you talking about life and quilting – they are not very appropriate, but they are funny.

Reminders: Please come a few minutes early so that you can be in your seat right at 9:30 when the fun begins. If you are able, please park in the side parking lot at the church.