June Meeting

Our June presentation was given by Nancy Rolfsema of Quilting with Nancy. We were ooohd and aaahd by her beautiful New York Beauty quilts.

We all had a blast at the workshop Nancy hosted the following day on paper piecing the New York Beauty.

Wanda F finished her quilt from May 2021 BOM

Sharon F collected fabrics on her trip to Alaska.

Sandy M has this beautiful Irish Chain with BOM blocks.

Sandy M uses Camo material for a Quilt of Valor.

Pat O is donating this Quilt of Valor, quilted by Carlene C.

Mary B. made this for a politician friend of hers.

Mary Ann Y made this clever bag from cork.

Laura J with Star in Crown. Quilted by Chris B.

Kathy G made a cute Kitty quilt.

Judy P shows off this beautiful Storm at (the Pacific) Sea.

Jane L is on a basket kick.

We had a guest that brought in some thread painting.

Mary and Donna made this.

Mary and Donna made this, too!

Chris B is very creative.

Cheri W uses her Accu Quilt to make this quilt from her scrap stash.

Cheri W made up this Quilt of Valor from the January BOM.