Shipshewana Quilt Retreat
We are set for the 2024 Mudsock Quilters Guild Retreat, returning once again to Shipshewana. Our dates are September 4th-7th, Wednesday to Saturday. The cost for the retreat will be $80.00. This covers the conference room, a delicious box dinner on Wednesday night from the Corn Crib, and a home-cooked meal on Thursday night at the Blue Gate.
Reservations for guest rooms at the Retreat are now open. Contact the Farmstead Inn at 260-768-4595, ask for the Mudsock Guild block of rooms. We have singles and doubles available, so grab a roommate if you can. If you don’t have a roommate but would like one, let me know, and I will try to pair you up.
As the date approaches we will provide attendees with a Shop Hop map and list of shops to visit as you travel north. If you know of a shop that is a must see contact Helene J, her contact info is available in the Current Membership area of our website.
Sign ups are open to all members at this time and if we have available spots we will open the sign ups to non-members in August.
Contact Vice President Chris B if you are planning to attend.