December President’s Letter

Dear Friends,

As I write my very last President’s Letter, I can’t help but reflect on the past two years and how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to serve our guild. I have made many friends—officers, committee chairs, past presidents, supportive members, women I sat with in workshops, those who came with me to lunch, and people outside our guild who made generous donations.

Thanks to all the workshops and skill-building classes, my quilting skills have improved. It has been a joy to greet new members and guests at our meetings. I look forward to not being in the front of the room during show ‘n tell so I can really appreciate everyone’s talent!

Our final meeting is our Holiday Party on December 9th.  The Hospitality Committee has been hard at work to make it a special day.  Please be generous with praise and appreciation of their efforts.  As much as they want to they may not have all of your favorites to eat – and they do encourage you to bring your favorite beverage.  While I’m a Bloody Mary fan, I’m sure they don’t mean that kind of beverage.

We will have Show ‘N Tell, although there is no place to display the items.  Please bring one or two items, but save any charity quilts for the January meeting as they are not being collected this month.

Delaware Township is generously allowing us to use their space at no charge, so please return the generosity if you can by a $ donation and/or pantry items.  $s will go to the food pantry.

Please remember to wear your name tag. I can’t wait to greet you at our meeting!

Happy Holidays!
