Theme for the Challenge Quilt 2025 is ‘Be your Own Designer’ – following the Facebook ‘get to know you question’ in January – Who is your favorite Designer?
Rules: There are really very few RULES. The idea is to motivate each member to get creative and be their own designer, try something new
Maybe this means to create an art quilt of your own design…
Maybe it means to create your own fabric to be used in a pattern, by painting or dying…
Maybe it’s taking a pattern you have but adding blocks to make a quilt or enlarging a block to make a single block quilt.
Make whatever you like, be it a quilt, art quilt, purse, clothing, whatever, just be ready at the July Reveal to tell us about how you used your creativity to ‘Be Your Own Designer’
And there is no right or wrong creation. This challenge will not be judged!
Success will be determined by whether YOU ENJOYED being your own designer!
Plus: Consider entering your creation in the Great Wisconsin Quilt Show. The guild will reimburse the entry of one quilt per member, watch for the newsletter for the details. See the attached flyers with the rules and entry information for the show.
Quilt Contest